JOIN MAX AS A PHARMACIST pdf How To Join Max International As A Pharmacist

How To Join Max International As A Pharmacist

So, today, in this post I want to run a special series on how to join max international cellgevity as a pharmacist in Nigeria and Cameroon.

You understand max international has a breakthrough product everybody needs and lots of people are actively promoting it across the world.

So, as a pharmacist, you can also join and promote the company’s breakthrough products.

Our most popular product is cellgevity some people don’t even know what max international is all about but the moment you mention cellgevity, they will tell you oh, I heard about that product.

Now, to make it a bit clearer to you if you are not familiar with max international and Cellgevity, you may want to pay attention.

What is Max International About?

Max international is an opportunity based company from the USA that specializes in the research, production, and distribution of Glutathione enhancer products.

The most popular product is called cellgevity and is the most sought after product on our shelve.

Apart from cellegevity, there are lots of other products which I am going to briefly discuss here before the end of this post.


Max International Products.

How to join max international as a pharmacist

If you are in the medical world in Nigeria, either as a pharmacist or Science Laboratory or even as a medical Doctor, you probably must have come across one of max internationals breakthrough products.

Like I earlier stated, the most popular product of max international is cellgevity.

Apart from Cellgevity, max international also have other equally powerful products in its ranks. Some of the other products are:




Max 3.5.7(The omega oil, cold-pressed from the source without artificial additive or colorants).



Max Beauty Care.

These are few of the amazing, powerful, and wave-making products on the shelve of max international.

Let’s look at the Science behind our product and why cellgevity and other max international products are regarded as being superior to all other supplements in the market.

Let’s look at the science of Glutathione.

The Science – Glutathione.

So, max international is regarded as the glutathione company, that’s right as the company’s products are all about helping the human body to begin to make its glutathione naturally.

You know glutathione is a natural molecule that is present in every cell of the body.

Glutathione performs several critical functions in the cell, without which cellular life will be practically impossible.

It is regarded as the most important and most powerful molecule in the body.

It is the world’s most powerful antioxidant and performs the functions of regulating and recycling other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, alpha-lipoic acid as well as CoQ10.

Such is the importance of glutathione in the body that, the moment it is lacking, the body begins to breakdown.

Research has it that, from the age of 20years and above, the human body begins to lose its ability to produce enough glutathione.

Every decade, the body loses about 10% of her glutathione in the cell and by the time some people are up to 55years or thereabout, they have exhausted 50% of their glutathione.

According to a report on the US National Institute of Health, an imbalance or reduction in Glutathione in the body increases the chance of or is associated with more than 74 health challenges and diseases.

Low glutathione leads to oxidative stress and oxidative stress is linked to almost every known disease in the body, be it chronic diseases like Cancer or mild diseases of any type.

So, you see how crucial it is for our body to have an optimum level of glutathione.

The problem here is, once glutathione began to decrease, its very difficult to raise it again.

There are loads of glutathione pills on the market but the problem with them is, most don’t work.

The amino acid required to make Glutathione is fragile and gets destroyed during metabolism when taken orally.

Intravenous glutathione seems to be a better alternative but the problem within is, it’s expensive and gets exhausted rea fast, and needs to be taken a minimum of 3-4 times every week.


The Max International Solution – Riboceine Technology.

how to join max international as a pharmacist

Over 25 years of research, Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa proffered a solution to help the body to produce its glutathione within the body.

You understand that it takes the combination action three amino acids to make glutathione; Glutamic acid, Glycine, and L-Cysteine.

Two of these are readily available in abundance quantity in the body but L-Cysteine, been fragile gets depleted over time.

Without L-Cysteine, the body can not make glutathione.

L-Cysteine is fragile and gets destroyed easily when taken orally, the reason why oral glutathione pills don’t work.

Taking it through fruits and vegetables is also a complete waste of time as they also get destroyed by the intestinal enzymes during metabolism.


The only way to get this L-cysteine safely into the body system and where it is useful is to protect it.

That is exactly what Dr. Nagasawa did through Riboceine Technology.

Roboceine Technology uses D-Ribose(a simple sugar molecule) as a coating to protect and safely delivers the fragile L-Cysteine into the system and once it gets in there, it splits, with the D-Ribose going into the system to produce more ATP while the L-Cysteine combines with the other two available amino acid to produce glutathione.

Cellgevity is our flagship product.

Cellgity contains Riboceine ad 12 other premium and synergistic ingredients.


How To Join As A Pharmacist.

With everything said here and much more, one could tell there is a big market for such premium products in Nigeria and across the African Continent.

As a pharmacist, it is very important to take advantage of this breakthrough product by registering with max international so you can distribute on a larger scale or even on a small scale.

Would there any benefit apart from the profits derive from selling max international profits?

There is an incredible amount of benefit you derive from registering and promote cellgevity and other products from the Company.

Apart from the profits from selling, you can benefit from other incentives offered by the company like the Weekly bonus, the Binary income, prime commission, Matching check, and a host of other amazing commissions offered by the company provided to meet up with the requirements which I think shouldn’t an issue.

Max international pays her associates who are actively promoting their business and getting other people to try out the products and also join the company, in 8 different ways.

Now as a pharmacist, you already have the market out there, all that is required is for you to recommend cellgevity as an amazing supplement.


Max international Registration Packages.

There are about 4 different product packages to choose from as a pharmacist.

From a smaller package to a bigger package.

The difference between these product packages is actually in the quantity and price of the products.

1. Promo pack – N39,000 gives you 6 bottles of cellgevity at N6,500 per bottle.

2. Personal Pack – N52,000 gives you 8 bottles of cellgevity at N6,500 per bottle, or you can choose to pick a combo pack of 4 bottles of cellgevity and  2 ATP, or  4 bottles of Cellevity and 2 Nfuze, or 4 bottles of Cellgevity and 1 ATP,1 Nfuze.


3. Professional Pack – N199,000 and gives you 31 bottles of cellgevity at the cost of N6,419 per bottle or you can choose a combo pack that comprises 20 bottles of cellgevity, 6 boxes of ATP, or 6 Boxes of Nfuze or 20 bottles of cellegevity plus 3 ATP and 3 Nfuze.

4. Premiere Pack – N399,000 and gives you 63 bottles of cellgevity at the cost of N6,333 per bottle, or you can still pick a combo pack of  40 bottles of cellgevity, 15 boxes of ATP or 15 boxes of Nfuze or 4o bottles of cellgevity, 8 ATP and 7 Nfuze or the other way round. You can also choose to pick only ATP or Only Nfuze.

Now, naturally, if you are a pharmacist that buys in bulk, you would want to go for a bigger package so you can enjoy the slightly reduced price on cellgevity and other products.

How to join max international as a pharmacist

If you just want to try out things and see how it goes, you can start with any of the lower packages.

Contact Clems On 08110996314, 07036753010, Phone or Whatsapp TO HELP YOU GET STARTED ANYWHERE IN NIGERIA AND BEYOND.

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