How To Order For Cellgevity In Nigeria
So today I want to make this quick post on how to order for cellgevity in Nigeria. Lots of people have been asking recently about how to buy cellgevity in Nigeria and I feel it’s important to put it up here to help folks who may not know how to easily get cellgevity in Nigeria or some other African countries.
Not long ago, I received a Whatsapp message from someone in Kenya who wanted to buy cellgevity for personal use, and he was concerned as he didn’t want to buy from just anyone.
Again, from my interaction with folks on social media, I came to realize lots of other people have similar concerns as they don’t want to buy from just any sources.
The good thing is, the company has made it easy for anybody to buy or order cellgevity straight from the company.
I am going to talk about this in a bit.
But before then, let’s look at what cellgevity is all about especially for the sake of those who might just be hearing about the product from this article.
What Is Cellgevity?

So, what’s cellgevity all about? To give a straightforward answer, cellgevity is a supplement that helps the body to produce glutathione naturally within the cells.
Cellgevity is not just another supplement but a supplement that has 25 years of science behind it.
Here is a post with a detailed explanation of what cellgevity is all about.
In the post from the link above, you are going to find out what cellgevity is, and the positive effects it has on your health, including its effects of helping the body to raise its glutathione level.
So, going forward, how can someone order, or buy cellgevity in Nigeria, or in any country within the African region?
What Is a
cellgevity supplement used for? So, what is cellgevity supplements used for? Great question. Cellgevity as a supplement is used basically to help the body to make its glutathione within the body. Remember, every cell in the body is trying to make itsglutathione because, without glutathione, there will be no cellular life.
Remember also that science has proven that low glutathione can make the body porous and prone to all kinds of sicknesses.
Glutathione is the only known molecule that can neutralize the damaging effects of oxidative stress.
Buying Cellgevity.
There are basically two ways one can order for or buy cellgevity. Whether you are buying for personal consumption, or you want to retail for profit, here are the two ways through which you can buy cellgevity.
Buying from Associates.
You find someone who is registered with max international and buy your cellgevity from them.
The letdown here is, that you are buying at a retail price and that might be a little higher than the company’s discounted price as the person selling to you might want to make a little gain off you.
Another letdown is, that you never can tell how long the person may have been keeping the products and under what condition they may be keeping them.
You might want to check with the pharmaceutical stores down the road but again, you are buying at a higher price and still have no clue as to how long they have been hoarding the products as most pharmaceutical stores buy the product in large quantities to maximize profit.
How about buying directly from the company that produces and markets the products?
That takes us to the next paragraph on how to buy cellgevity in Nigeria.
Buy Directly From The Company.
This is the best way of buying your cellgevity. Here you will be getting your product directly from the company at the company’s price, and also you can be sure of the quality of what you are buying.
Buying cellgevity comes in two ways, you buy as an associate or you buy as a preferred customer. Both ways expect you to have been registered, which is by the way free.
Buying cellgevity as a preferred customer, you are expected to have been registered under someone, get your ID number, and then you can cellgevity. Registration does not take more than 3-5 Minutes.
As a preferred customer, you can buy cellgevity at the company’s regulated price.

Preferred customers are only allowed to buy one pack at a time but they can buy multiple packs( a pack contains 4 bottles).
A pack of cellgevity costs N32,000. You already know that a pack of cellgevity contains 4 bottles, and getting a pack of 4 bottles at N32,000 directly translates to N8,000 per bottle of cellgevity. That’s lower than the retail price of N9,000 -N10,00 you would get from a retailer. Besides, you would be getting the products directly from the company with your name and you can be sure of the quality and safety of what you are taking, and that’s a big deal.
The other way one can buy cellgevity from the company directly is to register as an Associate. Registration costs absolutely nothing and has some fantastic advantages.
When you register as an associate with max international, you automatically become a business partner and you would be taught how to make money with max international if the prospect of making money appeals to you.
What if I am not interested in making money or pursuing business with max international, but just want to be using the products alone?
There is no problem with that. You just register as an associate and be buying the products at a little lower rate from the company. I have a couple of people on my Team who are not in for the money but health. The products are fantastic, and that’s all that matters to them.
One advantage of buying as an associate Vs buying as a preferred customer is that, as an associate, there are varieties of packages to choose from.
Promo Pack cost N45,000 and gives you 6 bottles of cellgevity, and that translates to buying at N7,500 per bottle.
Personal Pack cost N56,000 and gives 8 bottles of cellgevity, bringing the price per bottle to N7000.
The professional pack cost N160,000 and gives you 23 bottles of cellgevity at N6,956 per bottle.
The premiere pack cost N315,000 and gives 46 bottles of cellgevity, bringing the price down to just N6,847 per bottle.
How Much Is The Price Of Cellgevity?
From the explanations given above, you could see and easily fish out how much cellgevity cots.
Buying from retailers outside costs you more money plus you never could tell where the product is coming from.
Buying from the company directly appears to be the most recommended place for your cellgevity.
From the company, a bottle cost N9000.
4 bottles cost N32,000.
Check the post above to see the remaining prices.
Also, click here to find out how to join or register with max international so you can be getting your products directly from the company.
Also, check out HERE why you should consider a business partnership with max international.